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/ Phone Disc PowerFinder 19…March - Southeast States / PhoneDisc PowerFinder 1995 Mar - Southeast States_disc.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1995-01-01  |  11MB  |  6000x4000
Labels: electronics | compact disk | text | data storage device | circle | cd | dvd | blank media | jewel case
OCR: S (C) 1995, Database America, 1995, Database America, Infonational, LLC, Digital Directory Assistance, Inc ., All Rights Reserved Digital Directory Assistance, Inc. PhoneDisc ce, Inc ., 6931 Amington Road, Suite 405, Bethesda. MD 20814-5641 POWERFINDER , Info W.O. 508014-1 tion IMPORTANT! Use of disc constitutes acceptance of enclosed license 508014 agreement. DISC MFG ., INC. [H7] Southeast States . pull (AL, DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, TN, VA) March 1995 PhoneDisce is a registered trademark of Digital Directory Assistance, Inc ., 0931 Arlington Road Made in USA